Extreme Mini Bench 7 Station

SuperMAX Extreme Mini Bench

The SuperMAX 7 Station Extreme Mini is a compact version of the SuperMAX 10 Station Extreme bench, just a tough with a smaller footprint. The mini weighs 260 pounds and can accommodate 5 users at one time, it offers 7 different exercise stations.

Stations: Sit-up, leg lift, seated knee raise/plank/push-up, 4 lower sit-up stations.

Size: 84” long x 25” wide x 24” high. Weight 260 pounds.

Extreme Duty Bench 10 Station

SuperMAX Extreme Duty Bench - 10 station & 14 activities

The SuperMAX 10 Station Extreme is the heaviest, strongest, and most versatile fitness bench made. Weighing over 300 pounds and able to accommodate 7 users at one time, it offers 10 different exercise stations. The SuperMAX Extreme is designed to provide a complete workout, shoulders, chest, triceps, abs, arms, legs and more.

Stations: Sit-up, leg lift, seated knee raise/plank/push-up, triceps dip/angle push-up, squat/lower pull-up, reverse push-up, 4 lower sit-up stations.

Size: 115” long x 25” wide x 24” high. Weight 305 pounds.

Made in Washington State, USA
Family owned and operated for over 40 years

Extreme Mini Bench 7 – Stations & Activities

Extreme Bench 10 – Stations & Activities